Entrepreneurship Movement Club (EMC) is a Non Governmental Organisation based in Slovenia. It was established in 2015 to meet a growing demand for international entrepreneurship youth work services. Through a team of dedicated and experienced coaches and trainers, EMC’s team provides interactive and customised training, coaching and capacity building in entrepreneurial development and leadership skills.
Highly skilled and experienced EMC’s professionals support young people to become successful entrepreneurs, leaders and positive role models in their local and international communities. They boost their levels of self-esteem, confidence, entrepreneurial, communication and social skills and tailor these skills to match specific context, culture and objectives. EMC members have previously been actively involved in the Entrepreneurship & Youth sector since 2005 and also have a long track record working with economically and socially deprived communities.
EMC’s commitment for developing, supporting and promoting volunteering is seen from a strong and loyal volunteer base. Working team as well as volunteers at EMC have coordinated and partnered in a number of successful EU funded projects with other organisations from across Europe, Africa and Asia and works on active partnering in Australia and USA. Through these projects team and volunteers have developed significant expertise and experience.
The Entrepreneurship Movement Club’s mission is empowering youth by providing opportunities to develop their own businesses enterprises.
EMC creates projects that are designed to engage young people into entrepreneurship and is aiming to do so by:
– taking coaching methods as the main in achieving EMC’s mission;
– providing support and activities which develop young people’s skills, capacities and capabilities;
– the creation of conditions favourable to the professional growth of youngsters and discover their outstanding individual talents.