Merseyside Expanding Horizons Ltd (MEH) is an established voluntary and community sector organisation working in the field of social inclusion and is a key stakeholder and influential support body in Merseyside and in Europe.
MEH focus on Social Inclusion through partnership to deliver projects supporting dis-advantaged individuals into employment, training and self-employment and social enterprise development through a wide range of informal learning methodologies. MEH deliver services to and support a range of excluded groups. MEH are adaptable and are present at both strategic and grassroots level. MEH has established links with associates, public sector organisations and decision makers working within youth and adult education supporting a number of regional initiatives to support excluded individuals into learning and the labour market.
At EU and local level, MEH has a wealth of experience in supporting individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds to participate fully in society through learning. We have experience of running volunteer mentoring programmes which support members of the community including ethnic minorities, men, people with mental health problems to develop their skills and competence in employment and self-employment. We have led a variety of programmes over the last 12 years supporting excluded individuals to reach their potential in the labor market, most recently a training course sup-porting older learners, people with mental health and migrant women to develop skills knowledge and competencies to move towards business startup and self-employment.
MEH have strong experience in transnational project working – experience includes
• KA1, including EVS and Youth exchanges (both as coordinators and partners)
• KA2, Strategic partnerships (both as coordinators and partners)
• Projects on gender quality and diversity,
• Mentoring programmes,
• Engaging disadvantaged young people, social inclusion, informal learning environmental and entrepreneurial interactive education
• Supporting young refugees and migrants
• Training and validation for disadvantaged learners
We have developed strong EU partnerships and have experience of developing and adapting innovative learning programmes and associated materials We have led and been involved in programmes designed to empower people from disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve their potential through learning including specialist tailored support for women, older people, migrants, BME communities, health, mental health and disability.